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I have a serious question. How is it that when I group with 4 bronzes/2 silvers, we...


Theo van Booma

I have a serious question. How is it that when I group with 4 bronzes/2 silvers, we can go into a match against silvers and get easy wins, but when I duo queue with a silver, playing the same average sr games, we get destroyed?

Like, I just had a silver reaper who ignored the bronze Winston entirely. He took a one on one duel with the enemy reaper while the Winston just destroyed me and the other support. How are silvers worse than bronzes? I've lost 50 Sr just tonight because to silver dps players who play like >500s. I don't understand how people who are that tunnel visioned and have so little impact in a game are a higher rank than me and the people I play with usually. Ps. Don't ult when the entire team is dead. It doesn't help...

Aaron Icardi

People still do that (tunnel vision, ulting when the whole team is dead etc) in mid master tbh lmao. The lack of game sense in the player base is annoying, the only thing that MAJORLY improves as you go up the ranks is mechanical skill.
Find friends to play with on a regular basis or just hope you get ppl who know what the heck they're doing

Zachary Ferns

Unless you’re winston, right? I don’t play him, but it seems like, especially when it’s overtime or something, primal rage would be the best way to hold the point as long as possible and maybe knock somebody away or even off on some maps.

Zachary Ferns

Unless you’re winston, right? I don’t play him, but it seems like, especially when it’s overtime or something, primal rage would be the best way to hold the point as long as possible and maybe knock somebody away or even off on some maps.

David Gibson

Honestly can't tell much difference in bronze to gold. All crud tbh

Juli Perret

The difference is having a full premade
Bronze or not, a premade is more likely to cooperate and work together, regardless of rank. I'm in low plat-high gold duoing w a friend and people still don't work together the same way a premade will. Randoms are randoms, it doesn't change, as far as I've experienced at least

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