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Xbox One Hi there everyone, ever wanted to play one of the best ark servers out there? Well you...


Tanna Gordon

Hi there everyone, ever wanted to play one of the best ark servers out there? Well you can with BuffCabrakan

By entering the gamertag; BuffCabrakan
Not only do you get a starter pack which includes a starter pack with a griffin (moderate level), chemistry bench, and a industrial forge. But you will be joining the greatest community out there! + there's no admin abuse (admins can still raid though)! Can't get better than that in my eyes!

Server stats are on the BuffCabrakan page, aswell as all the admins keeping the server up and running, so get on that Xbox one of yours and get playing on; BuffCabrakan

Facebook page is; BuffCabrakan Ark Server

Andrew Clay Nelson

Not trying to be an ass but admin raiding is admin abuse

Chris Reedasaurus

Jonathan Mercado

Jacob Anthony

Sounds like shit, there's no admin abuse but yet they can raid? Could you get any more hypocritical?

Jacob Anthony

How about you spawn me shit in and I'll go raid the fuck out of people, that sounds fair an non abusive?

Jonathan Mercado

People complaining like if you are an admin you can't be fair and play the way everyone else is and be there to help the server run and take care of issues that might arise. Played plenty of servers without admin abuse with raiding and active admins.

Kayleigh Hampton

How about the people that are complaining go and buy their own Xbox and host a server? Or pay lots of money for Nitrado...the majority of the admin abusive servers, the admins say they don't just find out when they come and wipe you. Me and my admin team on my server raid and can be raided, as well as turn admin logging on during PVP...never once had a complaint about admin abuse. You can't just assume because of some admin abusive servers, that all of them are this way. Hosts go through stressful shit just to make it to where players can play ARK and it actually be enjoyable, well for the most part anyways. And from being a host myself, a person will get banned for being a dick and turn around and bash the server screaming admin abuse!

Kayleigh Hampton

Why should a person who pays for you to play, and electricity costs to keep the shit running, not be able to play? That's not shove off. Not everyone abuses admin powers

Dylan Williamson

I've played on this server before. Not a bad server at all. I recommend it.

Jess Cook

Anyone online to give out the starter I have just joined the server

Michael Nibbler Sambrook

I run a server but not play only do events

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