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Switch Hi, just wanted to introduce myself after deciding to find people who plays the...


Matthew Zendejas

Hi, just wanted to introduce myself after deciding to find people who plays the switch. I'm gonna start off with a funny story how I got my switch. It was March 4, and I wanted a switch so bad that I looked online and saw one....for $459 with the total being $462 so I asked myself should I risk it or wait for who knows how long for I brought one and got it a few weeks later......Was it worth it? Yes....Did I face any issues so far....just one. So that the story how I got it. can't wait to see the future of this Switch

Justin Strawn

What's the one issue

Ivan Corral

Well if i was in your position i would have done the same lol and as long as your enjoying your switch then it was well spent

Christopher Schopf

Day one we argued about going to a midnight release since we haven't been to one since we were teens Have not regretted the switch once

Stevie Taraya

Back when preorders opened up, I rushed to the local GameStop on my break at work expecting a huge line and was unsure if I would be able to snag a preorder or not. I was wrong, i was the first person there and maybe two others showed up after me for preorders as well. So I lock in a copy of BotW special edition and my I thought. Come to find out (hours later while checking my preorders on thepower up rewards app) the dumb cashier only booked me for the special edition and not the switch... so after work I frantically went back to explain the situation, terrified that there would be no more preorders available, but there was and I finally locked one in.

Frederick Sims

Did not pre order and i was only abld to get one last Sat when i called Target and they had just gotten a shipment i luv the switch

Donald Ambrose

Story of my switch was I went to Gamestop and waited for 6 hours there waiting in line with 3 other people then it got to 6 then it got to 10 people that were trying to get their hands on one without a preorder(I was number 3 in line). We kept asking how many they had and they would verify the answer but a cashier had come up to me and very quietly told me don't leave the store. I took his advice and they even allowed us to wait inside the store until midnight. At 1130 they finally were able to tell us and they only had 4 available so 6 people waited for nothing and they were pissed off yelling and screaming but Gamestop employees had to follow their protocol that was directed from upper management and Nintendo. I ended up spending 700 dollars that night. On Zelda and bomberman, the switch, pro controller, 2 amiibos, the hardback for Zelda, and an extra a.c. adapter. I enjoy the switch I'm glad I bought it. I am just ready for more games. Oh back to the angry people that didn't get one, two of them acting so irate ended up backing out of the parking spots and running right into eachother without stopping I felt like an asshole for not going out there to see if they were ok but I was not giving my spot up

Aaron Gonzalez

I had zero luck Sunday. No one had it (literally no one) thankfully this girl on FB was selling hers for $300. No scratches or scrapes etc. I got it last night. She came by and I tested It on my projector. Worked fine. Thanks to her I am now a proud owner of a Nintendo Switch! That was my father's day gift from my wife!!

Aaron Gonzalez

And today she came by to drop off super Mario kart 8. Talk about a great deal!

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