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PC Hi I'm new here (also to the game) I only have abt 10 hours on the game (pc) . I'm not...

  • Thread starter Garret Lian Zhi Xuan
  • Start date

Garret Lian Zhi Xuan

Hi I'm new here (also to the game) I only have abt 10 hours on the game (pc) . I'm not good at the game really, only know how to play soldier pharah and junkrat, suckling as with others, hope I can get some tips from you guys. I played a lot of fps so I will say my aim is decent , the for your help !

Pericles Underhill

I’m cresting on 30hrs with Pharah myself. Watch videos of a player named Valkia. He is a conplete MASTER when it comes to Pharah. Use your buildings and learn your cooldowns. Use your concussion blast to push yourself out of danger

Pericles Underhill

She also has the best view of the Battlefield. You should be making a lot of call outs. Widow and Torbjorn are your worst enemy. Soldier too

Evan Landry

With soldier it’s all just improving your aiming and learning good positioning. The more effectively you can produce from longer range the more impact you will have.

Garret Lian Zhi Xuan

I mean with these 3 heroes I can play effectively, but with others I can't even keep positive kd , that's why I wanna learn other heroes so I can help the team more

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