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Hi guys I'm silver on console and I know I suck before you start. Just tried ana and...


Harrie Rose

Hi guys I'm silver on console and I know I suck before you start.

Just tried ana and she's so fun any advice

Felix Laplante

Honestly I feel like OW is trying to make me an Ana main because every loot box I open I get an Ana item

Austen Tromp

Beth Murphy give pro tips to a scrubby in need.

Harrie Rose

Haha, well last game I did 6.3k healing from just firing randomly at the tank and using my health grenade - but would love to learn to not be a burden

Rodolfo Breves

ignore genjis, they are not worth your time

Juan Mendoza

Don't ever dps.

Use darts for two things: escape and cancel enemy ults.

Don't ever 1v1 a dps.

Stay behind tanks

Don't use your scope. ( Gives away position).

Sean Patrick Carrigan

Get an MRI of your brain asap.

Youssif Amr Anwer

Get a good team

Harrie Rose

Useful advice please, thanks Juan Mendoza by the way :)

Kunrius Hồ

Adjust mouse sensitivity to 1.6

Matthew Knight

Primarily get good at aiming (blunt but it is very true) use sleep darts to either down important targets so your team can assist, shut down certain ults. Or to escape

Jeremy Fernando

Focus on healing
Stay back but not too far bcs youre easy to kill without dps and tank protecting u
U can throw biotic grenade at zenyata's ult so they cant heal
Only scope in for long range target as it gives ur position away
Save your sleep dart for flankers/tank/ ulting soldier/genji
If u see reinhardt firestriking ur team try to sleep him as he become vulnerable in the ground

Trevor Ortlieb

1. Practice your aim. A lot.
2. Sleep dart ults, use for stagger, defense etc.
3. Sleep dart has a weird animation so practice the timing and account for travel time
4. Hip fire is projectile, scope is hitscan. Sometimes you may want hitscan if your team is farther away/helping shoot enemies.
5. Your grenade is often more useful in denying enemies health than extra for your team. Can nullify a zen ult, stop hog heal, etc.
6. Don't stay still. Your hurtbox is weird when moving so it will make you much harder to be shot.
7. You don't have to throw the grenade at your feet/moce to the team to heal them. Learn the lobbing angle so you can hit your team with the grenade from farther away/finish enemies etc
8. If you are dove, hit a sleep, then as soon as the animation ends (there's a sound cue too) you can shoot, nade, shoot + melee
9. Practice reload cancelling. As soon as you have the ammo count change you can melee and start shooting again. Useful for some characters more than others, but as far as I am aware, it is never bad to do.

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