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Hey junky players. Has anyone else had an issue with their ultimates? I've noticed...


Tasha Skiles

Hey junky players. Has anyone else had an issue with their ultimates? I've noticed this in 3 seperate games, 3 seperate ults, on 3 seperate characters, occasionally even if you blow up directly in someone's face your ult does no damage? This happened with a roadhog (not healing), a soldier (not healing) and a symmetra (no sheild Gen and not being healed). I blew ult directly next to them and zero damage was taken. It's really got me rubbed the wrong way since now I've just wasted an ult when I was trying to pick off the people that were causing us the most trouble. None of the 3 times was my ult destroyed before impact and I detonated each time. Soldier wasn't shooting me, hog wasn't even facing me, and SYM was in the process of placing a turret.

George Sherwood

Yh I’ve had this with against soldier and Zayra(not in bubble) it’s frustrating as hell

Tommy Soucie

I get hate from junkies with my Orisa lol I see a tire coming at us and throw my shield down right before detonation.

Turin Farrand

I've seen clips of this and it mostly looks like if you blow it up in a doorway or a corner it probs wont do damage

Micah Cleveland

It's also minutely possible that due to some lag that the tire was destroyed right before you blew it up. Did you check the kill feed?

Sean Patrick Carrigan

Was there a Zarya? I've been having a lot of fun getting my timing down to shield people right as a Rip Tire or Mecha explodes.

Binx Bumstead

Yeah, actually, i've had this happen like 2 times and its super peevy tbh

Justin Allen

If it doesn't do any damage to him why should it do any damage to us?

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