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Hey guys so I was seriously thinking to play only two heroes in comp next season,...

  • Thread starter Reece Rhaegar Elvaryen
  • Start date

Reece Rhaegar Elvaryen

Hey guys so I was seriously thinking to play only two heroes in comp next season, Mercy and Symmetra, they are my best heroes, and I watch youtubers who said they climbed to masters and grandmasters with both of these

Ashley Woods

I also watch YouTubers who can't aim -Literally everyone who is salty about your choice

Mike Wang

Honestly not a problem, you'll get toxic people but those should be easy enough to ignore.

However, do realize that all off-meta one tricks are merely outliers to the population. Whether it be they have attained a level of understanding for the game that no other player has been able to (stanky, stevo, etc.) or they've gotten lucky in their games and managed to basically be carried to the high ranks (possibly ariana). It's highly unlikely that you'll be so successful, but if you're not 100% looking for success and just want to have fun, then by all means, go for it.

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