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Hey guys, after a few months of playing I finally reached Silver. Decided to get...

  • Thread starter Syed Muhammad Danish Bukhari
  • Start date

Syed Muhammad Danish Bukhari

Hey guys, after a few months of playing I finally reached Silver. Decided to get serious yesterday and climbed all the way from 1600. :)

Any tips moving forward? Will people be harder? Use different tactics? Or anything for the heroes I play. Thanks.

Harshul Kuhar

I've noticed that there isn't much of a difference in mechanical skill from low silver to high gold. People just get a bit smarter and know to do things that bronze or silver may not, like dedicate one person to seek and destroy the teleporter/shield gen or being aware of places where flankers come from


I started climbed from 576, and i reached to diamond last week. Some tips here. Play mercy, just play lots of mercy. And if u feel tired, just keep playing. I promise youll reach to plat soon

Γιάννης Λουκόπουλος

Focus on playing more and Winston. In low gold ranks, only few players can deal with those 2 tanks, if you can play good enough. Also hope for a good team. (Low platinum non-skilled player)

Brandon Widner

Learn to ult stack, positioning is key, team comp gets more important and by that I mean through silver and gold I've hard carried teams on my smurf with a soldier, tracer, reaper, or a zarya but couldn't have done that if most teams around those levels didn't consist of all squishies most the time, so learn to fill also because being a flex player is going to be important. The skill level will go up but you won't see anything you probably cant handle jus yet... high platinum is probably where it might get a little more tough for you... then once diamond and master comes around that a whole other ballgame... the higher you go you will see players with more consistency that a lower player won't play at...

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