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PC Hey everyone! I've been playing D2 on PC since launch and I've done pretty much all...


Michael Huml

Hey everyone! I've been playing D2 on PC since launch and I've done pretty much all there is to do (except for turning in a flawless Trials ticket). Instead of complaining and/or moving on to a new game, I want to start helping other people more.
If you need help with Milestones, raids, strikes, adventures, nightfalls, crucible, or anything else, let me know and I'd be happy to help. I usually play in the late afternoon/evening, eastern time.

I do have clan obligations, but that usually doesn't occupy the whole night. So if you need help with anything, there's a few ways you can connect:

Add me on Battlenet: Seeker127#1684

Join my community on Discord:
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Chat on Twitch:
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If you want to join the clan and you're fairly active, you can apply here:

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This is not an advertisement. Helping others gives me a reason to keep playing. I also see the player base declining, and it's getting harder and harder to find others to play with. Even if you don't necessarily need help, feel free to add me if you just want to play D2 with friends!

Tyler Barrows

My clan could use an extra person for weekly raids. Pm me i can send you a discord link

Hunter Jackson

I do need D2 friends and help. I will add you, I'm Wolfie#1119

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