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Help an old noob? So, I started playing Overwatch a couple of weeks ago. I like it...


Thomas Nelson

Help an old noob?

So, I started playing Overwatch a couple of weeks ago. I like it and am having fun playing. It reminds me of when I played hundreds of hours of Halo multiplayer. But I've screwed up. I'm old and slow (eyesight ain't great either) so I knew that I was never going to be a great player, especially DPS. But I found a niche in support and did okay with Zenyatta and Orisa. After playing several hours with each, the new competitive season started so I decided to give it a try. The placement matches were the most fun I've had playing Overwatch. The teams communicated, everyone had microphones - strategy, team makeup, kills, calouts... all the communication made it a blast to play! I placed at 1800 SR and then I single queued for more matches. And I nosedived - all the way down to < 500.

Sooo.... I'm looking for some people to team up with. Just for the communication that made it so much fun to play. People a bit better than me that can help me get better and have fun doing it. I don't expect diamond level players to carry me, it is not even the SR that is that important to me, I just want to experience that teamwork that made it fun again.

I'm in the U.S. East region - PC Mudge#11136. Add me if you think you can help this old gamer. :)

Thomas Nelson

No love huh? Okay I guess I'll just QP until I find good people again.

Robby LEachman

We prob thought it was a copy pasta. Being sub 500 is almost impossible if trying. My 4 year old was 1100 Sr. Now that he is 6 he is a solid 1800

Thomas Nelson

I'm trying really hard. I'm getting medals and winning matches in QP just not in competition. If you look at my Master Overwatch, I'm way up in healing and blocking as the heroes I'm playing should be.

Thomas Nelson

My son who is 12 and really good at fps - I've seen him play Doom on nightmare - is having trouble getting above 1500.

Thomas Nelson

And, like I said, I'm more interested in team play. I really enjoyed being those teams that talked to each other and were organized. I would like to be on a teams like that again but I haven't been able to find them since my losing streak.

If anyone like that (uses mic, communicates and directs) reads this, please add me. Mudge#11136 on PC.

Alex Petersen

The problem is also that usually I haven't seen people around that rank and, for example, I can't play with you since my rank is too high.

Thomas Nelson

I'll play in QP or even custom. I just want to get with some people who enjoy playing and communicate during play. Had I know how it could be or how important it was to friend good players, I would have done that from the start. Now I don't even see them. I've only been at this for a couple of weeks and was totally unaware of the community. I could start over I suppose.

Thomas Nelson

I got my son to join me for a game and won. And then won a couple more on my own - then got another team that went 1-6 for the whole match. I'm up (531) but it's going to be a hella slow climb and I don't think I can do it in single queue. Not with the high probability of getting a team that suicides 1-6, won't drop back for healing, won't shield Bastion...

Alex Petersen

Then I would suggest you to join our Overwatch Facebook chat and Discord as you should easily be able to find anyone from here who would play with a teammate like you ^^

Thomas Nelson

Thanks Alex, I see the Discord link but where is the FB chat?

Alex Petersen

Youssef Ezzat - "Black" should easily let you know how to get into it, either here or on Discord

Mostafa Mohamed Elwazeer

Sure I'll play with you

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