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PC Hello everyone. First let me say I have never played Destiny until this one and really...


Donnie Greene

Hello everyone. First let me say I have never played Destiny until this one and really had no desire to play until I was talked into it. Now I can’t stop playing the damn game. There has been a learning curve and I HS e figured some thing out but now I seem to be stuck.

My power is currently at 267 and I have run a few missions to get the Sturm and Drang but now I am kinda stuck as what to do to get my power lvl up.

Any points for an old guy trying a new game?

René Schnackenberg

Watch Videos on YouTube, alot of ppl explain it there how to do it right.

Adam Rosengarten

Right now you will be stuck unless you grind nightfalls. This process sucks so i recommend starting a new char. Here is an outline of getting your 2nd and 3rd char to a much higher power level in half the time it took you to get 267.

Adam Rosengarten

1st Step: Do the opening quests until you can get to open world.
2nd Step: Grind pub events up to 20.
3rd Step: Transfer any high power weps to new char.
4th Step: Grind gear up to 265+ power.
5th Step: Complete campaign.
Final Step: Complete all major milestones to max out power.

Adam Rosengarten

Milestones are anything that gives you "Powerful Gear" engrams and exotics.

Luciano Pellissari

Make another character of the same class. It will help you to get pass the 270 light, but will not get you far.

Get as far as you can with the light lvl of your first character. Do all the Milestones, even the nightfall.

Reach lvl 20 on the 2nd character as soon as possible. Transfer your better gear to him/her. Finish the history.

Do all the Milestones on the 2nd.

Do the exotic weapons quests on the 2nd.

Transfer all the better gear back to the first character. Now do the exotic weapons quests on the first one.

This should get you close to 300.

Then, wait for the reset on Tuesday, do the Milestones on your first character and pray for RNGesus.

I did this on my ps4 and got to 300 without the raid.

Don’t use mods. Wait till you get to 300.

This only works one time. When you finish the exotic quests with your 2nd character and transfer everything to the first, you can delete the 2nd.

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