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Guys I really don’t understand. Again I’m pretty new to this game. I’m only level 80.....


Abdallah Alishah

Guys I really don’t understand. Again I’m pretty new to this game. I’m only level 80.. but I really don’t understand how to get better. (Console)

What do I do? what do I practice? How do I know what comps are good against what? I think I’m pretty mechanically skilled as in aim since I used to be a prime time cod quickscoper back in the day. I watch tutorials and gameplay and tons of player analysis.

If someone knows what to practice or what to do they know where they could be making mistakes. It’s pretty depressing that I’m trying so hard and I’m seeing no progress. But I literally don’t know what I’m doing wrong for the most part...

I’d say because I’m very inexperienced in this game. My current rating of 1980 ish holds true to my skill. But I wanna go up from there. I know that if someone is good they will be able to climb up themselves for the most part. But what should I be doing?

Erin Cowan

Tldr; how do I improve

Maddi Bradford

Play comp. I can say the season I spent ages playing games on, and gained over 500sr, was the season I improved the most on.
People play differently there.

Also it’s trial and error, see what works for you and what doesn’t. Watch the pros play and try some of the stuff they do out.

Niko Soria

practice every hero for a good amount of time to know there strengths and weaknesses so you can form a better sense of the game, what characters to choose against other, etc. a good example is seeing that the enemy team has no hit scans so pharah would be an optimal pick. also really analyze your death cams, it's important to know how you died to really improve your positioning and what to do and not to do in certain situations. Game sense is the most important element in ranking up

Savannah Dey Carden

Look up character counters and practice the counters of the characters that give you the most trouble. Also group up with friends and try different team compositions and see what works best for you guys!

Josh Bostrom

If you’re on Xbox I’ll play with ya. I’m a lvl 920 something. Got good knowledge about it

Noman Saleem

First thing you need to do is take "cod quick scoping" out of your head. It doesn't help at all. COD quick scopers get shit on cause of it in Battlefield games and same is the case here. Positioning and trickling in is usually the biggest issue for new players.

David Anderson

Consoles ranks don't mean anything dude. If you want to get better you need to play on PC where ranks mean something.

Ethan Drury

I'd say practice aim all the time in the training room. Learn to headshot the dummies while running, jumping, falling and spinning. Also, a large part of my improvement has come from watching stuff like YourOverwatch and Unit Lost Gaming on youtube, as well as some pro videos, which will be more accessible due to the overwatch league. Pay attention to their positioning, movement, and what they shoot at and when. Target priority and spacial awareness, 180 spins, etc...

Ethan Drury

Unit Lost Gaming does a series called OverAnalyzed where you can send in videos of your ranked games and he plays them back and offers advice. You should watch some of those for whatever your top characters are, and maybe send one in.

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