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Guys, before feeling happy/angry about these mercy changes, just keep in mind that yes...


Nathie Ri

Guys, before feeling happy/angry about these mercy changes, just keep in mind that yes she will for sure be changed, yes that nerf is too harsh and Blizzard knows it. Thats why they wrote this post. Tbh as a mercy main im ok with a little nerf but this one just doesnt make sense to me. I know they will slightly buff it or buff something else to compensate. But I rly wouldnt agree for a nerf just to make life easier for incompetent dps. U still have a long time to enjoy the way she is atm and DONT WORRY, they wont nerf her to the ground.

Zachary Machado

I dream of the day they fix the double shot bug on hitscan characters

Samantha Olivas

Thank you:3

Brendon Alexander

What in the world is so harsh about nerfing the Double Rez? Its a GOOD thing that is nerfed. When she got the buff, her Rez was supposed to be changed to reviving ONE player every 30 seconds. Just one, and yet, there was that Double Rez, when a Mercy player could revive one player, then use her Ult, and revive another immediately.

I played as Mercy alot(even before her buff), and this nerf is fine. It makes Mercy balanced now. It seems the only ones complaining are those that were heavily reliant on the Double Rez.

Tamara Critzer

I think the CD reset upon ulting should be removed, 10 second CD during ult kept, and her hitbox enlarged a little in ult. That would be a fair balance imo

Ghosti Harrell

I have played so many hours on mercy it's almost comical. I really enjoyed her old mechanics as well as her new. Just seemed like a new challenge and motivation to get even better with her. I think the double Rez was pretty awesome and didn't realize it was a bug. I thought it was kinda like tactics to save your ult for that moment that your extra Rez could be crucial. Besides two people is still not as bad as rezzing all 5 players. But I also thought looking for the mercy and killing her before using team killing ults were tactics

Dhanj Narasimhan

They're buffing res range on valkyrie I think

Dhanj Narasimhan

And the nerf is for her pick rate, not for being too hard to kill

JoAnna Lee Gumba

I was really upset when the news first came out but with that explanation, I can understand now. They really better give a good compensation if they'll go with the rez nerf tho to balance things out.

Mari Guerrero

They just need to keep her how she is in live and give her Rez immunity. That's it. I find myself needing to hide with the tanks to go Rez someone, and I don't like being handicapped like that. I'd rather go out on my own and come back, thanks.

Ze Ming Wong

yes, remember, they are just testing to see how it will go, there are many abilities they scrap and it was on the PTR for a short bit, let me mention 2 for them
1. Sombra was able to hack through Reinhardt's shield up front
2. Zenyatta's orb of discord was able to go through shield
they didn't even make it to the live server cos it was too OP, so for this Mercy, who knows if the backlash was too much, that they would tone it down.

Briana Lenoir

I love the guardian angel bug. It was honestly super fun to use with an airborne character and helpful to get away quicker :3

M Raihan Naufal

the last time they said this, 33% came to live

Kane Burnett

Its on the ptr, regardless of what the feedback is blizz with 99% put it in the game anyway, fits with their pattern of not being able to balance the game

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