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Genuine question, 1st time pc gamer been up n running for about 2 months on current...


Sean Myers

Genuine question, 1st time pc gamer been up n running for about 2 months on current build pc running well.

Question i have is how much difference would a decent keyboard/mouse make to standard gaming (pubg) ive got a pretty cheap set that i picked for for £30 for the 2 (none branded not mech) would investing in a higher quality kb and mouse make a signoficant differance or is it more just preference?

Nick Harrington

Haha I'm in exactly the same boat - I just bought a Logitech set off amazon for £70

I also had a cheap one that the keyboard prop broke off so upgraded

Chris Kiddell

From personal experience, the keyboard doesn't make a difference to gaming at all, it just feels nicer when you type, although some cheap keyboards can feel just as nice. As for mice, I've never used an "expensive" mouse because I've never had any problems with the cheap ones I've had. This is just my experience though, others might be different.

Graham Crawford

Pay the money for a mouse. Since buying an expensive mouse, i'll never go back to a cheap mouse again.

Andrew Cobb

One uses lights

Kane Hewson

The mouse response definately, and I found my cheaper keyboard started geting abit laggy when you doing the "a-d" dance when trying to shoot at the same time etc.

Sean Myers

Cheers guys. Keyboard seems solid at present. Not sure what mouse to look at hoping to keep ot sub £150.

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