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Does anyone play or used to play command and conquer generals? Or red alert 2? Im...

  • Thread starter Aaron Nixiboy Nixon
  • Start date

Aaron Nixiboy Nixon

Does anyone play or used to play command and conquer generals? Or red alert 2? Im wanting to get back into pc gaming but do they do games like this anymore? Ive heard people have done mods on generals to update it etc. But also read ea shut the servers down?

Patrick Maddox

Here! Still playing the singleplayers, multiplayers are unaccessible anymore. i meant to most of the command and conquer games or all of them.

Aaron Nixiboy Nixon

Ive read there are private servers open but have to donate to be able to play online? Also most play the modded versions now. Like theyve finished generals 2 or something. They was such good games apart from renegade

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