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Xbox One Damn I'm actually kind of bummed about this but my sr was hit hard by toxic players...


John Eaton

Damn I'm actually kind of bummed about this but my sr was hit hard by toxic players and trolls so I stand at 1703 ;-; send help

Joel Baker

What were you at

Oswald Austin

What's your communication level? Do you report and prefer players? What was your teams comp? who were you playing? and what positions where your main holds or attacks made from? (Backline, front lines flank ect)

The reason why I ask is because I hear of people like yourself who run into trolls and droppers but I don't. I also use the prefer and report system to prefer people who play classes like healers or solid DPS Hero's. I find that helps but what I find helps more is me switching to a hero that I see the rest of the team needing. If you're a DPS and die every 30 seconds only getting one or two kills a life or even 50 kills but your team keeps dying. It's actually you who needs to make the switch. Because individual stats don't mean shit if you don't get the wins. It just means you don't actually know how to play overwatch and need to be carried because overwatch isn't a game where you win on kills :p

I had an argument with a Hanzo who couldn't understand why I was calling him trash for hiding around the enemies spawn and trying to pick off DPS and support as they spawn. The guy got 50ish kills that match but his team lost because when it came down to it there were just so many times when he needed to be in the back lines picking off supports as a backline defence Hero's should be to support the team. Instead of trying to be a highly mobile offensive threat.

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