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Xbox One (COMING OCT 25 2017) GAMERTAG: Ark Realm Est Taming 4 Map: Ragnarok Gathering 3 Crop...


Robert Larocco

(COMING OCT 25 2017)
GAMERTAG: Ark Realm Est
Taming 4
Map: Ragnarok
Gathering 3
Crop growth 1.0
Resource respawn 1.0
Player weight 1point = 300
Experience 3.0
Flyer speed 181%
Server type Full Time Pvp/ City is Pve
Egg Hatching 100 have food ready
Mature 5
Mating 3.367 3days 7hours
Baby cuddle interval multiplier 0.699 2:30min
Poop inter 3.1
Cave flying: on
Player harv 0.6
Dino hp regen 3.0
Player hp regent 3.0
Player food water drain 0.6
Join our Facebook group Ark Realm EST
Rules in
* Clean your trash: all broken down buildings must be removed by the tribe that owns them. Random pillars and Foundations are a No-No
*.bashing the server publicly in chat or any other public site will get you immediately banned from the server.
* We are equal opportunity server discrimination against someone's sexuality, religion, or disability or Race, will immediately be ban.
* Inappropriate tribe names or player names you will be asked to change it
* White flags are to be placed on your base if you get hit during PVP it will determine and tell the administration you are rebuilding when you are Raided.
*New Folk new people to the server is not to be harassed by the larger Tribes.
give them time to build.
(City of Bennington)
City of Bennington is a non PVP City anyone caught pvping inside the city will be asked to do an hour in jail. The only way to get out of doing an hour in jail is by providing a bush Berry seed to the head of security which will be deposited into the City Bank.
(Perks of the city)
In the city of Bennington you are allowed to open a bank account/ mailbox.
You will also allowed to open a trade booth at this time there is no charge for this but there might be down the road something like 50 ingots a week. To run the booth in the city.
These are just a few things coming with the city there was a lot more in the works in the update will be posted.
(City Bank)
The city will have a banker this Banker gets paid to Bush Berry seeds a week. How does the banking system work you may ask? Allow me to explain in the bank it will start off with 5 Bush Berry seeds that is all that will carry from the admin if player Joe approach the banker and said I would like to purchase one Bush Berry seed the price for Bush Berry seeds are as follows.
One seed equals to 50K ingots.
One seed equals to 200k gunpowder
One seed equals to 100K cementing paste
Once the trade is complete the bank will have four Bush Berry seeds and that's a 200k gunpowder any player on the server can come up to the bank and purchase this gunpowder for one Bush Berry seed.
The bank will not have anything else to sell but the seeds and things people offer for seeds.
( Bush Berry seeds)
Bush Berry seeds on item that is summon in the game by the administration.
The only way you can get the seeds is by purchasing them from the bank or be a patreon for a monthly donation to the servers patreon funding account. Every j8month the Patreons get a restock of seeds in their mailbox.
A bush Berry seeds can also be used to get you out of jail for crimes. And traded between players down in the trade District or out in the world.
(Patreon compound)
The patreon compound is it plays for the patreons to go to check their mailbox also to their fishing hole the patreon fishing hole will be stocked twice a week Monday and Fridays.
(Benefits of being a patreon)
The farming dinos provided with the package that you choose will always be replaced if killed if you are a patreon.
But if you choose the $20 package the master flightgear the 150 Dino of your choice is not replaced but the farming dinos are.
( administrator Halls)
This is a building that is located next to the city in this building there will be 10 rooms each room will house two drops it can be a cave drop and Ocean drop it can be two Cave drops it can be two Ocean drops in each room it can be blue yellow or red I will not tell you what is in which room so don't bother asking one seed will get you into one room.

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