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PC Can anyone tell me why Ark has a 20gb update? like the fuck I just wanna play Ark


Khloe Henrichs

Can anyone tell me why Ark has a 20gb update? like the fuck I just wanna play Ark

Josh Evans

you should read along with the updates posted in steam. we're getting part 1 of the TLC update. some new dino graphics and some big fixes.

Shawn Kincaid

tlc update 1 doesn't come til about the 18th

Luke Skeavington

them mods tho lol

Shawn Kincaid

mods download separate as workshop content

Nikhilchandra Hemant Shringare

What is TLC? I did get a 6.6 GB update yest

Sam Embleton

yday update was a anti dupping updat

Hey Survivors,

Recently, we have identified a critical exploit in our game that has existed since August 2015. The exploit is known and utilised by the PC (primarily Official) player base for quite some time. Today's major version update will resolve the vulnerability and address the issue going forward. We're sorry for the inconvenience with the unexpected major update to v277, but trust us when we say that the patch needed to happen immediately. Fortunately, we were able to look into those taking advantage of the exploit. Unfortunately, what became apparent is multiple 'mega-tribes', across multiple servers were taking advantage of it.

Under normal circumstances, such an exploit would deem a global tribe wipe, and a comprehensive ban for all players involved from our Official Network, as well as BattlEye-protected servers. On this occasion, we have decided that we will be providing a one-time amnesty to everyone involved; this means that no one will be banned or wiped, as the impact of the action would have been too widescale and have a significant effect on our Official Servers. For those who took advantage of the exploit, whether your motivations were malicious, or to put yourself on even grounds, it ends now with a chance of redemption. Please note that this is just a one-time situation, and in the future, we will continue to be heavy-handed versus those who have been proven to play unfairly.

We know that this decision may come as a surprise. However, we believe it is the best move to make for the health of the game and our Official Servers. We will be continuing to monitor our servers for cheaters, and are currently investing in additional external and internal/technical solutions to those playing unfairly and will do our best to ensure that the ARK remains a fair and competitive environment.

Thank you.

Studio Wildcard

Chamara Ranaweera

if you think thats a lot you should see the normal updates

Stacie Ketchum

Kinda glad I paused said update earlier, which is a first for me. Guess Ill dl it tomorrow while I'm at work. That's a big ass update!

Ryan D. MagickQuail

Checked patch notes, serious amount of updates

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Juan Aguirre

8.2 GB here, my friend 7.5 gb

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