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Astral Chain Writer Talks About How The Game's Story Was Put Together


Staff member
Legions could have been rather different.

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has been out for just over a week now on Nintendo Switch, easily becoming
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so far. If you're as invested in the game as we are, you might want to check out this recent
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shared by story writer, Akiteru Naka.

Naka-san has worked as a game designer at PlatinumGames for eight years, with titles like
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, Anarchy Reigns, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, and more under his belt. For Astral Chain, he was called up by director Takahisa Taura to take charge of the game's story, which apparently came as a bit of a surprise. He says, "At first, I thought he just wanted me to take dictation as he worked out the story. Still, it was a chance to get in on the ground floor, so I accepted right away. Why not, right? In retrospect, I should have realized I was treading into waters both dangerous and deep…"

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