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Anyone here ever had issues with asus support or is it just me? My laptop was over...


Dave Long

Anyone here ever had issues with asus support or is it just me?

My laptop was over heating causing it to shut down and not charging correctly (it would say 35% not charging or 62% not charging or what ever % it felt like and any given time) and part of it laptop lid broke due to a manufacturing fault so I filled out an RMA, formatted it and sent it off.

Week and a bit later I get it back they had changed the thermal grease but I find that the manufacturing fault had not been fixed so I rang them up streight away and had it sent back in.

A week and a bit later and I get it back again, the lid had been fix (yay). I notice half the laptop isn't clips back together properly and then I notice it's still not charging correctly and guess what it starts over heating again, even watching a film in it was causing the temps to hit 90 degrees. So once again I contact them and they tell me that apparently the battery will do that because of how that battery works and it's normal! I'm not a battery expert but I don't think that is normal and they then tell me them temps are normal ( I sent a load of screen shots of different temps and tell them it was repeated shutting down on the rma form)

So I tell them to cancel the return even though it's still under warranty then I take matters into my own hands, I took the laptop apart and cleaned the dust out of the fans (seemed to be a lot considering it was only taken apart by them a few weeks ago) replaced the thermal grease put it back together properly, formatted the system completely putting a fresh copy of windows 10 on it and installed all the latest drivers and guess what it runs 100% better now. Not over heating and changing correctly.

I know I could have done this in the first place but if it's under warranty why should I?

Has anyone else experienced similar with asus? I won't be buying another asus product again!!!

Micky Bottoms

that is Asus biggest downfall and the reason I don't buy their stuff

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