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PC Any tips for someone who just started playing zenyatta in gold tier?

  • Thread starter Joshua Danielson
  • Start date

Joshua Danielson

Any tips for someone who just started playing zenyatta in gold tier?

Justin Lee LeClair

Stop being a Jags fan and root for the Vikings duh ;)

Justin Lee LeClair

On a serious note: Overwatch Central is great with these guides i definitely suggest watching this


Chelsie Vargas

Call out your discord’s and charge up your right clicks. Zen is lethal as fuck if you can land your right clicks.

Gunnar Henderson

What she said ^ call out your discord’s every single one... you might think you’re being annoying but my god I absolutely love DPS’ing for a zen that makes call outs

Carlos Klein

Positioning know when to back up and when to charge. Save your ultimate to counter gengi or zarya. Call out the discord and actually heal lol I forget to heal sometimes haha. Zen is really fun to play!

Johnny Walker

stay like 30ft behind your team and spam balls through them while constantly throwing out your heal and discord orbs

Aspen Sciranko

Positioning. Call your discord’s. Don’t stop talking. I had a hard time with that because I didnt want to annoy my team. But I feel like zen requires being very vocal because your discord should constantly be out. I find when I play Zen in competitive my teams are typically quiet because all you hear is “mercy discorded. Mercy low. Mercy down. Roadie discorded. Low. Down.” Etc etc. don’t be afraid to talk constantly your team needs to know who to focus. Your ultimate is great at negating certain ultimates but can not protect against a Dva bomb much anymore. It’s great for graviton surges. Always have your heal orb on a tank and only switch it when someone needs healing. Don’t forget about your alternate fire. A fully charged alternate fire can take out a Torbjörn turret or finish off a low enemy. It’s great to round corners with when you know there’s a widow up top. If they’re focused on someone else it gives you time to charge and annihilate her. Communication is key with Zen and he’s honestly such a staple in really good teams that listen to you. Zen may not be the most mobile support hero but make sure to move a lot wiggle back and forth while firing so a widow can’t land a headshot immediately and you can escape with little damage.

Bob Barry

Calling Discords is key. You're actually above me right now (I dropped to hi silver) but the mechanics are the mechanics. The higher up you go, the better your teammates SHOULD be at focusing down your discords.

Know your enemy. Look at what ults the other team can kill your team with and save your transcendence to counter. IE Dragonblade, Visor, barage, etc. Never use your ult to save yourself.

Hide while you charge right clicks then pop out and let them fly. You're better off doing burst damage every 5 seconds than you are at spamming primary fire.

remember that you're slow and easy to hit so use your surroundings for cover.

Pericles Underhill

Set your harmony and discord to your mouse wheel up/down however you like. Just so you never have to move off of the WSAD keys while using your kit. Every little movement counts.
Oh, and when you hear “Meteor Strike!”....just accept your fate....

Lauren Ashley Reed

Your ult can save a game just remember that

Kurtis Wolf

Learn to use walls and objects as cover properly. Weave in and out during team fights with Harmony/Discord.

Use objects to charge Orbs when being dove by Genji/Tracer. Your best chance against them is charging a stack around corners.

Keep Harmony on the target most likely to take damage. Secondary good targets are Hog and Primary healer. Always have Harmony on Primary Healer during down time, if they go down, team is in trouble.

Lower your sensitivity and arm aim. 800 DPI 5 or Below in game. Being able to snap/flick shot a Genji/Tracer will save your life.

Jinho Petalver

Stay behind your team and charge your right clicks :D

Spencer Tinnin

If you look at an enemy and left click, you can damage them

Ryan MacClary

Yes, always have a heal orb on someone. If you have no one to shoot at charge right click. And work on the tracking for his projectile speed. Also stand back, no fall off damage so don't get overly aggressive

Chris Villasenor

Watch out for tracers. Stay close to your team when one is hunting you. Zen is one of my favorite picks as a tracer main

Jake Johnson

Healing orb only stays on someone for 2 seconds when they break line of sight

Dylan Cook

Spam your balls and alt fire when you can, call out who's discorded, discord tracer so you can see where the bitch teleports, keep a heal orb on someone at all times, preferably whoever is doing the most damage or a tank. Don't rush in, always stay behind your team. Use them for cover while providing them with healing and damage boosting orbs

George Laskaridis

You have to remember that your hit box is really big so you are really weak to people like Reaper, Roadhog, Tracer and Genjis from up close

Travis Hembree

That can’t be true!

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