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Any tips for picking up the tanks in OW?


Elliott Crampton

Any tips for picking up the tanks in OW?

Peter Gomez

Don't play for yourself. Stay ahead of the pack. Peel for carries and healers.

Nathan Morris

Practice, communication, teamwork and and looking out for support. Stay near the mercy. You keep her alive and she'll keep you alive

Joseph L Stokes

As a tank it your job to create space for your team. This doesn't always mean taking damage. Although each tank has a way to damage for the team. That could be a shield, defense matrix. Or simply blocking shots while using take a breather to protect your healer. Tanks can make or break a game, ad they create space for the dps to do their jobs. You also wanna protect your healer. In turn they will keep you alive. Communication is key with any role. Other than thay just be aware of your kit. (i.e., don't be afraid to die if it would protect your team. A great example of this is hooking a ult away from your team. Or charging it away. Or even simply putting your winston bubble on the payload.

Sasha Milstead

What role do you play now? I would say support and tank are almost like 1. They play FOR the team. If you play DPS you may need to be a little less gready with kills and remember you are a TANK. If you go down, the team will most likely fall as well. You have to be mindful of everyone's position because if they die they will say "where was the shield/tank"(even if it wasnt your fault). I am a firm believer that tanks can make or break a game. You literally control almost everything including when the team pushes in, which way to go, when to back up, etc. Lonh story short, TANKS ARE LIFE!

Kayla Marie

I don't know how you'd pick up a tank but make sure to lift with ur knees

Cristian Ventura

Stay in front of the team and unless u have a Lucio speedboost, start the push. U have the most health, take the damage so ur team dosent have too.

Jerry Allen-Foshee

Maybe learn a barrier tank (Orisa or Rein) and another one. Monkey and DVa are more like flankers.

Antonio Neto

Talk, talk talk talk talk talk

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