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Also so question -- what's a relatively safe temp? Mostly my temp floats at 73 or so...

  • Thread starter Sammy Bourgeois
  • Start date

Sammy Bourgeois

Also so question -- what's a relatively safe temp? Mostly my temp floats at 73 or so degrees (Celcius), and when I try to go from Medium to High settings, my frames actually do stay somewhat stable, but it ups to like 80C or so. Is that safe? I don't need better than Medium.... but it would be nice if possible.
(full PC specs:
GPU: NVIDIA Quadro K1200
CPU: Ryzen 5
RAM: 8 GB Corsair Vengeance
HDD: WD Blue 1TB
MOBO: PC Mate B350
Case: Rosewill ATX)

Alex Smith

Depends on which hardware is that 80C

NightLunya Flandre Scarlet

80°C is fine for GPU. It's hot for a CPU.

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