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alright guys so I know y'all habe seen me post before about my build, I finally got it...


Jacob Smith

alright guys so I know y'all habe seen me post before about my build, I finally got it put together and it's running and seemed to be doing great but my fps is shit. I am running a new gtx 1080 and ryzen 7. I am getting 25 fps on total war. I habe a really crappy monitor right now with a refresh rate of 60 and I ordered a new one. I was wondering if that could be part of my problem. have googled every thing I can think of. yes I am new to this and I know alot of you guys hate posts about stuff like this but maybe someone has had this happen and was able to fix it. thanks for any help guys.

Cullen Lyndon

You probably haven't installed your drivers yet, download GeForce experience and do a driver search for your card. Otherwise (if this is even possible to mess up) plug your display cable into the actual gpu and not your integrated mobos display ports lol

Laurent Chammas

Check your super sampling in video settings.

Something tells me you have it at x16.

Put it off or X2

Hassan Mehdi

The monitor is not the issue...
As for fps drops... Check if the cpu or gpu is getting warmer than usual

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