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Recent content by Letitiawilkinson

  1. L

    失落的方舟表情:如何找到全部 32 种表情

    7 月更新中添加的进度奖励正在运行,其中包含 Punika Powerpass,您可以使用该通行证快速将任何角色的等级提升至物品等级 1302。此外,还有 Hyper Express 事件。这意味着任何拥有 1302+ 物品等级的人(包括你名册上的任何 insta 等级的人)都可以参加进步挑战,这将帮助他们进步到物品 1370 的 Buy Lost Ark Gold 等级。该活动还包括深渊挑战地下城,这将奖励胜利者玩家拥有磨练技能的工具。 将来,如果您在太平洋时间周六和周日凌晨 3:01 到凌晨 2:59 之间连接,并且在周日同一时间提交一次索赔,您将有机会获得这些宝箱。...
  2. L

    Lost Ark Sets New Round of Fever Time, With Rewards to aid Honing and Battle

    The Vernese Forest region of Lost Ark can come as somewhat of a shock when you first arrive there. It's a huge maze map that's crisscrossed by an aerial walkway that makes it hard to navigate. It's even more difficult to navigate because there are just two triports and hardly any vendors. In...

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